Once in a while I do a Where I Write Now blog.  In the past I have gone to a coffee house in the Amish community of New Wilmington in PA or I have taken a few days to stay at a B and B in Confluence.

Out here in Chinle I have found it more difficult to get out of town to a place where I can write without the distractions of home.  A new place to inspire.

So what a pleasant surprise to find The Coffee House right here in “Wild and Wooly” Gallup, New Mexico on Coal street.  It has everything you could ask for in a coffee shop, real coffee and real baristas.


Art on the walls and table space.  Lots of outlets.

Quiet patrons and a play space for kids….books to barrow or take or share.

I am definitely going to get there on a Monday night and maybe even read some of my own poetry.

Other writers near Gallup reading this?  Try it out or let’s plan an event.

Did I mention the food?  

Build your own salad or sandwich.

Yes it is almost two hours away from Chinle but worth the trip for a writer or anyone looking to relax in a homey coffee shop for a few hours.  Try it ….next best thing to getting out of town for a week or more, this coffee house in Gallup for an afternoon.

Check out The Coffee House on FB
