8:45 AM:
Leave Chinle in a dust
storm. Visibility poor.
8:52 Ganado. Left home with only half a tank of gas…still have a half of tank of gas.
I stop for gas.
Gas costs $3.59.
My dilemma. Map quest says turn left, GPS says go straight.
I turn left.
9:16: I am in the middle of a snow storm even though the sign says, “High Dust Warning”.
Note to self: should have followed the GPS directions.
9:41 Snow stops.
Signs for Wide Ruins.
I muse: This is the name of Famous Navajo rug design. Wish I were home weaving.
9:41- 11:32: Not much happens. I eat a lot of junk food.
11:32 Tank is down a 1/4.
Must stop for gas.
$4.19? Really????
11:32-2:21 Not much happens. Eat junk food.
Stop at every gas station .
Use rest room…often.
Low on coffee. Switch to diet Pepsi
Stock up on junk food.
More driving. Maybe I should have flown.
There really are places like:
They sell Gas!!!!
Next hour and a half: Mountains forever.
Good thing I have gas….and water…and junk food.
No rest rooms.
Many signs that say: Watch for falling Rocks.
Ya think?
Much time to contemplate. Should I drive fast so rocks will not fall on me? Or slow so I do not hit rocks?
GPS keeps recalculating my arrival time: Do they keep moving Tucson?..it takes longer and longer to get there.
Sometime mid afternoon: Cactus!
And Wildflowers.
4:15-ish: Tucson. Schools and Book Festival. Stay tuned.