It’s all there. The beginning in Spring with so many possibilities. Sun, rain, snow, wind… Breeze and gust. Winter letting go.
The tension. Dark clouds give way to shy blue and pale sun fades into shadows of black clouds. Light and dark, light and dark.
Cattails cast fluffs of seeds to the wind. 
Pinecones burst with fertility.
Acorns crack, open and sprout. Some planted by squirrels and forgotten.
Already birds search for nest building supplies in and around shrinking piles of dirty melting snow. They dig at buried seeds, scratch and scurry they drop new seeds.
The dogs are friskier. Their mood swings sluggish to bounding energy.
I pull burrs from their coats and mine dispersing them far from their home.
Daffodils have doubled and tripled underground reluctant to bloom after a too early thaw can only wait so long.
Seeds swept away to new homes- hope tragedy, promise. A journey. So many ways a story can go.