I am working on a picture book, working title, Snow! They Say.

And wow was there a lot of snow in Vermont last weekend!
A writer is always doing the work of writing even when she is at play.

I love snow and adventures in a snow world. And that made for great research. Gave me several new ideas.
Snow! They Say is abut the weather, yes. But it is also about anticipation, expectations, disappointment, predictions, imagination and even decisions. Throw in a little meteorology. All that in 400 words.
I’m back in Pittsburgh now. Spring is coming and I’m rewriting and trimming, looking for that surprise ending, Maybe adding some shimmering icicle swords. Avant- garde! Snow tunnels too. Shovel on through. I’m imagining a big melt up north and holding on to the excitement of a snow world.

And see more about my writing here: https://karenlynnwilliams.com