

410, 2012

Poetry Night at the Williams

We still had children in high school and foreign exchange students living with us when my husband decided he didn't know enough about poetry.  He delcared Sunday evenings to be poetry night at the Williams home.  (Really? Who is the writer in this family?)No one was allowed to dinner without a poem.  Sunday evenings found the kids grumbling.  "Do we have to bring a poem tonight?""Yes!  And tell us something about the poet too." There was a mad rush just before dinner as everyone flipped through books or raced to the computer to find [...]

210, 2012

Pickin’ Pinons Part II

Pickin' Pinons Part II:  Where Grandma Gets Lost,  There be Bears, and I Make it Home in Time to Serve Dinner for Ten.The plan this time was to meet at the Saw Mill store (the place where my friend's cows hang out when they disappear).For once I found my way over dirt roads in my trusty four wheelin' jeep and got there first.  No cows.My friends arrive and I jump into their car.  We take the road to Blue Springs Canyon and pass Deer Springs Village(three hogans)."There are some things you need to [...]

210, 2012

Pickin’ Pinons Part I

Pinon Pickin' Part I: Where the Sling Shot comes out and I Don't get to Pick Pinons.I have mentioned before that a writer takes every opportunity for a new expereince that could lead to material.  So when I got a text message inviting me to go pinon picking, I texted back "sure, when?"  (My texting abilities are limited and I actually said sur, wen?) After several texts, it was determined we would meet on Monday morning at the Little White House Canyon and I would follow my Navajo friends to the Pinon picking [...]

1809, 2012

Galimoto Dream to Reality:Grassroots “Ford” in Tanzania

The most gratifying part of being a writer is to have your books go out into the world and bring back freinds and connections and the unexpected....I recently recieved an email because someone in Tanzania found my book Galimoto.  He wrote to me  of a young man who lives in Tanzania and made these toy cars from old wires when he was a child.The young man tells of how, when he built these remarkable scultures, he dreamed of building his own real car one day.Now like Kondi in the book who sat under [...]

1209, 2012

Getting High is Never Easy

Handies Peak, a 14er in the San Juans of Colorado is the highest I have ever been.  But first you have to get to the trail head.  We stayed in Durango (Downtown Durango Innhttp://www.durangodowntowninn.com/  right on the Animas River, dog friendly and a one block walk to restaurants and shops). It is about a one hour drive to Silverton through beautiful mountian switchbacks.  This was Labor Day weekend and a few Aspens were already turning Colorado gold.  The temperature was a perfect not too hot, not too cold and the sky turned blue [...]

409, 2012

Who Remembers Cowboy Small?

Cowboy Small by Lois Lenski.  A classic.I had my own Cowboy small living with me for ten days. Grandson Ethan!  Ride 'em  cowboy! Cowboy Small...I remember him from my childhood. One of my favorites!  First published in 1949. Share this post if you remember this book.  Or even if you don't 😉

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