Summer Journeys: A Beach Tail
Looking for beach read? Or a summer adventure? Create your own Sandy Lion. Go on a journey with Gregory and find your way home again.
“Lush and Lyrical” Kirkus Review for Bear Helps The Forest
Happy to announce! My latest book, Bear Helps The Forest(Maybe you help too)has been reviewed by Kirkus. The review will be featured in the June 15 issue. It is live on their website now. But you can read it here. BEAR HELPS THE FOREST (MAYBE YOU HELP, TOO) Author: Karen Lynn Williams Illustrator: Andrés Landazábal Review Issue Date: June 15, 2023 A bear cub learns how the forest changes from season to season. Bear is excited to play in the fallen leaves. But as the weather grows colder, she must crawl [...]
I Love Leaves!
Look what arrived in the mail this week! Due out this Autumn, BEAR HELPS THE FOREST(MAYBE YOU DO TOO) grew out of my passion for nature. The joy I take in the change of seasons and the secrets the forests hold. My advance copy of "Bear" arrived just as I walk in the forest and examine tree buds and wait for tleaves to burst forth "all green, green, green." Just like Bear. Like Bear I have always loved playing in Autumn leaves. Even now! But when bear wakes from her long winter snooze [...]
Look What’s Coming in 2023! Mil Mariposas Blancas
Jessica Betancourt-Perez and I are excited to announce that A Thousand White Butterflies will be out this year. The official on-sale date is 9/12/2023. As an immigrant child, I never imagined that a picture book, reflecting part of my earliest, most bittersweet memories in a foreign country would get published 15 years later. Jessica with her Grandmother My grandmother, Maria Luisa Cruz had a vision for her family and she worked very hard to bring her family, 2 daughters and three granddaughters to live in the United States. I am one of those three [...]
Four Feet Two Sandals Removed from Bookshelves In Florida County
When I was in the Peace Corps in Malawi, Africa, I lived under a dictatorship. The news magazines we received like Newsweek had adds for woman's stockings blacked out because woman in Malawi were not allowed to show their legs and it was illegal to wear pants outside of the home. There was a long list of banned books too. The titles included The Green Revolution. This was a book about gardening. Banned because the title included the word revolution. You see where I am going with this... Last week I received an email from [...]
Look Where I was this weekend: Kate’s Book Bash
A joyous celebration of reading, books and authors! So many amazing books!(keep me away from that bookstore!) So many talented authors! I met this guy Brian Young. Check him out here. Brian is originally from the Navajo Reservation in Arizona. We had many connections and much to share. I can't wait to read his book Healer of the Water Monster. Sharon Flake, our own Pittsburgh author. I bought one of her books. She bought one of mine. Check her out here : Although we can't claim her to be from Pittsburgh [...]