Why I Love Writing for Children
School Visits are the best!Dedicated Librarians and Teachers.Creative Librarians and Teachers and Students.Enthusiasm.Good listeners.Great Questions.Thanks you all at Hosack Elementary School!
First Grade King a Hit Even Today.
If you follow my posts at all, you know I shamelessly use my grandchildren to promote my books.And why not? I wrote First Grade King when my own boys, Peter and Christopher were about the same age as my two oldest grandchildren, Ethan(7) and Evan (4)are now. It's based on the experiences of my two boys ...kind of. In fact the book is so similar to life around our house at that time that Christopher, when he heard the rough draft, exclaimed, "Mom! You can't steal my ideas like that!"That gave me pause [...]
Notes From a Reader: Your Story is My Story!
A writer will tell that he or she writes because they have to. A writer cannot NOT Write. But to touch another life is bliss. This book written so long ago, still connecting and sharingDear KarenI have just finished reading "When Africa was Home" to my 10 year old son Michael. Then I found myself searching the website and found your email.I spent one hour explaining every detail in your book to my son. We used google to look up Paw Paw trees and Ant Hills. I explained in detail because, it is [...]
An Honor to Help Tell This Remarkable Story and Now You Can be a Part of it!
Look What is in the Works and Coming Out Next Year!Here is how you can be a part of this remarkable story: Any donation, no matter how small, will help make this Legacy Statue become a reality. Questions? Contact me(karen@karenlynnwilliams) or Teddy Draper Jr. or Sara Sinclair. Information below.LET'S MAKE THIS HAPPEN! Navajo Language and Code Talker’s Legacy Sculpture Language is rooted in culture, and culture rooted in language. Within the 21st century, Americans have simultaneously forced assimilation while idolizing Native American cultures. The pressures to assimilate have nearly wiped out an entire language [...]
ESL Institute An Honor
(Ha! Me sitting down on the job.)It was an honor to present to educators at the ESL Institute at Millersville University in Lancaster, PA. this July. Hard working, engaged, thoughtful and creative, enthusiastic about what they do. These teachers are using their summer to learn more so that they can better help their students succeed. They deserve our respect and support.(No I am not reading texts. I am checking time on my phone. This was a timed writing exercise.) ;-)Here is a shout out to Lancaster, PA, Millersville University and teachers everywhere.
Even if You Can’t Get To the Beach
When I first began writing I just wanted to finish the book, a final draft, then I wanted to get it published. Then I thought about seeing it a bookstore and in the LIBRARY! Dare I hope to get fan mail? Reviews?One thing I never even imagined was the gratification that comes with seeing my own grandchildren read my books. Here is two and a half year old Everett "reading" A Beach Tail. I am told he woke of from his nap and quietly picked the book out by himself. He is having [...]