Something to Write About: Spring!
It's all there. The beginning in Spring with so many possibilities. Sun, rain, snow, wind... Breeze and gust. Winter letting go. The tension. Dark clouds give way to shy blue and pale sun fades into shadows of black clouds. Light and dark, light and dark. Cattails cast fluffs of seeds to the wind. Pinecones burst with fertility. Acorns crack, open and sprout. Some planted by squirrels and forgotten. Already birds search for nest building supplies in and around shrinking piles of dirty melting snow. They dig at buried seeds, scratch and scurry they [...]
Stories Like Me: Mil Mariposas Blancos and So Much More
Colorful and inviting! A bookstore for families like you... whoever, wherever you are. Books for children and young people and their families. Thoughtfully selected and beautifully arranged. So pleased to find my books in this collection of outstanding titles. Hop on over and check it out. 4381 Murray Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Or find a book on line Find a story like you or your friends, kids, family, relatives, neighbors. It's all there...more than you imagined. Likely you will find me browsing, being inspired, buying!
A Beach Tail in Outside Magazine!
Outside is my favorite place to be. Hiking, biking, dog walking, kayaking, snowshoeing. In all weather. And of course the Beach. The Best Books Featuring Black Children in the Outdoors Researchers have identified an alarming lack of books about Black children in nature. Diversifying your bookshelf can help kids find themselves in literature—and the outdoors. Outside! Be there!
Wintertime Reading in The New Year
Like Bear in winter, curl up with stories while the forest does its work. What's happening to those leaves under the snow? Did you ever want to know? Go on a reading adventure with Bear as THE FOREST DOES ITS WORK(MAYBE YOU DO TOO) and see what happens while Bear sleeps and the autumn leaves disappear. Follow the forest work and the leaves throughout the year. Where does the red and yellow go? Where are the piles of Autumn leaves for jumping in Spring? Take joy in reading and the world around us. [...]
A Thousand White Butterflies and Mil Maraposa Blancas Go Digital
Jessica and I are pleased to announce our story will now reach even more readers. You can soon get a digital version of both A Thousand White Butterflies and Mil Maraposa Blancas! See Tumblebooks for the digital version of both books with animation, sound and narration. Imagine! Snowflakes like a thousand white butterflies floating down the page!
Look What Arrived!
A Thousand White Butterflies in Spanish! This package arrived in the mail. It's already been a couple of weeks. Time flies. But here it is, in time for the holidays. In time for the snow to fly like "Mil Mariposas Blancas." Find it at your local bookstore or your library or your favorite place to buy books. Here is what one reader had to say: Hello Karen, I wanted to tell you that my daughters and I liked the book, it touched our hearts, it made us remember some experiences and also give [...]