

2310, 2018

Facing Fear Has an Illustrator!

It's official!  Sara Palcious will illustrate Facing Fear which is due out Fall of 2020.  Sara has worked with Publishers in Mexico and the US.  Learn more about her here.  https://www.sarapalaciosillustrations.com/about Here is a sample of one of Sara's styles.     Can't wait to see how she will bring this story of Enrique, a young boy of undocumented parents, to life.  

310, 2018

Let Me Tell You My Story

The perfect book to compliment Four Feet Two Sandals and My Name is Sangoel for families, schools and libraries.     Pleased to endorse this book of photographs and Refugee Stories of Hope Courage and Humanity compiled by Their Story is Our Story.  Proceeds will fund awareness for refugees worldwide. Here is what I wrote: Find the book and information here  https://tsosrefugees.org.

2609, 2018

It’s Official- Announced in Publisher’s Weekly

Gina Maldonado will Illustrate A Thousand White Butterflies, co-authored with Jessica Betancourt-Perez. Working with a co-author and an illustrator, an editor is an exciting process every step of the way. See the announcement here: https://us1.campaign-archive.com/?u=d684790bedf89afe76e7b9156&id=e8c1beb63d And more about Gina Maldonado here:  http://www.advocate-art.com/gina-lorena-maldonado Summer 2020!  

2409, 2018

A Beach Tail featured in Jambo book Club

  I am pleased and excited to have A Beach Tail feature in the Jambo Book Club.   https://www.jambobooks.com Jambo features "stories for all of us.  Stories that accurately represent the rich diversity of America." Take a look at their website and enjoy well-written books about everyday real life featuring children of color.

1809, 2018

Story Telling Connects Us All

If you don't know The Moth.  Check out their podcasts.  Last night I finally got to see a Moth presentation live...in Pittsburgh.  This is what I tell my students when I visit schools. Story telling is what makes us human.  Story telling connects us all.  Stories are why I became a writer. The Bear in The Bottom of the Bed  is an out-loud story(not for reading story) I share with students around the world. It was my father's story.  He gave it to me.  I made it mine and I share it. When [...]

1709, 2018

Just returned from SCBWI conference

  That's the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators.  ThE Northern Ohio Regional Conference.   https://ohionorth.scbwi.org/annual-conference/   UPPING YOUR GAME.    Editors, Agents and writers working together to make our writing better, to make the books the best we can make. What an inspiring two days.  And now it's time to get to work!

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