Where Do you Curl Up While the Forest Does its Work?
Bear Helps the Forest and maybe you do too. But when Autumn leaves are covered in snow, Bear curls up under the stump of an old Oak tree and Mama tells sleep tight stories. Where do you curl up when snowflakes flurry? Inside a snow fort? Hiding? Waiting... Cozy under a blanket with a book or telling stories? Dreaming of Spring and then Summer? And then... Autumn leaves to play in? Where are you while the forest does its work?
Small moments of Gratitude
I know it's nearly winter but not too late to announce! A book for all seasons, Bear Helps the Forest (And Maybe You Do Too)has been chosen by the CBC (Children's Book Council) for the Small Moments of Gratitude Fall list 2024. Listed as a book for celebrations, seasons and holidays. Here is what the CDC has to say about this list. As the leaves change and then start to fall, many of us shift our attention to family gatherings and end of year celebrations, which is the perfect time to practice [...]
Picture Books that Celebrate Nature in all Seasons
A unique way to explore books that readers love. Books that make great holiday gifts. Shepherd.com. Connect with the the authors who write the books you enjoy. See what they recommend. Check out this link and read about Bear Helps the Forest(And Maybe You Do Too) https://shepherd.com/best-books/joyfully-celebrate-the-magic-in-nature See the picture books about nature that I love, books I grew up with in my writing life. Books that inspire me, and feed my love of nature and writing. Bear helps the forest not just in autumn but all year around. Curl up with [...]
Look where “Bear” was in October!
It was a beautiful Autumn day for an author visit at B is for Books. With enthusiastic readers of all ages we read about Bear and where the leaves go when they disappear after Autumn when Bear is napping and dreaming of leaf play. (Yes! That is Dolly Parton behind me...she gifts millions of books to children around the world every month). Ok that's not the real Dolly but you get the idea. We twirled and danced the way Bear dances in piles of leaves. We filled a blanket with leaves, tossed [...]
Look what arrived at B is For Books!
Just in time for Fall! The leaves have begun to change. Read and orange, yellow, bronze. Twirl and swirl. Down they fall. Bear loves to play in piles for miles. But after Bear takes a winter snooze and Spring arrives where are the leaves? Come on over to B is for Books and find out. Reading, fall activities, snacks and more. A Bookstore where the books are free...3 books at a time! And so much more. B is for Books is a free children's bookstore owned by Reading Ready Pittsburgh. .Its mission is [...]
A Summer Story Walk: A Beach Tail
I love a good story. I love a good walk. I love the beach. Look what's in Washington State. A Story walk! This summer grab a book, head to the beach or to West Point Light or curl up and read in your own backyard. A walk! A Story! A Beach! [...]