Take a look at what one librarian from Pittsburgh is doing to build libraries in Haiti.  First of all she is using my books!
She is also using the art children create inspired by my books.


 They will discuss big ideas.

And use them in their art.

Sheila plans to exhibit her student’s art along with the art of Haitian children which she will bring back from Haiti with her.  She plans a fact finding mission as the first phase on her first trip to Haiti.

She will hold an art auction of student art to help raise funds for books.

 These kids will know their work is valued and they helped to build a library in Haiti.

Lucky to have such a creative, committed, enthusiastic and hard working librarian!

Sheila says:  For the month of January, I am going to be reading each of your Haiti books to all of my primary students. We will pull out big ideas and discuss what kind of art we want to make in response to them.   
For more about Sheila, this project and other amazing work she has done to build and support libraries for kids go to these sites:
And stay tuned here for updates as the library project Libraries and Miracles in Haiti progresses.