Due out this Autumn, BEAR HELPS THE FOREST(MAYBE YOU DO TOO) grew out of my passion for nature. The joy I take in the change of seasons and the secrets the forests hold.
My advance copy of “Bear” arrived just as I walk in the forest and examine tree buds and wait for tleaves to burst forth “all green, green, green.” Just like Bear.
Like Bear I have always loved playing in Autumn leaves. Even now!
But when bear wakes from her long winter snooze she wonders “where did the leaves go?” Indeed where do those piles of autumn leaves “red bronze and gold” go?
Did Deer eat them? Did Mama clean them up?
The forest has done its work. And continues through Spring and Summer. Maybe you help too. But how?
Bear waits for those leaves to pile up once again. Until “Autumn nights turned cool. The sap flow slowed and once more leaves let go. Then Bear whooshed and tumbled. HOORAY!”