Sara Palacios has collaborated on many different books including, Between Us and Abuela (FSG), ‘Twas Nochebuena (Viking), One Big Family(Eerdmans), and many other books for children. In 2012, she received the Pura Belpré Illustrator Honor for Marisol McDonald Doesn’t Match(Children’s Book Press). Sara was born in Mexico City and earned BFA and MFA degrees in Illustration from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco.

What is your favorite image from Facing Fear?

SP: I like the scenes inside the family and the aunt’s house. I like creating and seeing the family’s personality. Story-wise, it’d have to be when the coach and the soccer team show up at Enrique’s house to show their support.

What do you hope kids learn from Facing Fear?

SP: I hope we can all better understand that immigrants are not a threat.  We are just regular people like everybody else, pursuing a better life and happiness. And I also hope to bring more visibility to the fear and struggles some families face in order to be able to give their families a better chance in life.

Follow Sara Palacios on Instagram @sarapalaciosillustrations or visit her website at

See the full interview here: