So this is the writing Life.   You write and rewrite and rewrite and submit and write and wait and wait and wait to hear from an agent or publisher.  Sometimes you get fan mail.   That keeps you writing.   Sometimes you get rejections.   You keep writing and submitting.  (OK you might cry or scream or rant or threaten to quit).  A royalties check arrives!  You may have forgotten about those because really?  You are deep into the next project(hopefully). 

You write some more and wait some more.  Sometimes you sell a book and sign a contract and wait.  Wait for the edits, the check, wait for an illustrator.  Keep writing and wait.

I am currently waiting for the art for two new picture books to be complete.   One forth coming from Lee and Low and another from Eerdmans Publishing.

And then this little piece of news shows up in the mail.  Circles of Hope has been around for a while
a solid little book has been picked up by Scholastic Bookclub.

I do a little mental dance and continue to write.