Four Feet and Sangoel (A Beach Tail too)still making friends and connections around the country and winning awards:
Khadra, founder of the Pittsburgh Refugee Center and coauthor of Four Feet Two Sandals and Sangoel reports on a teacher in North Carolina whose classroom read Four Feet Two Sandals. She said they were so inspired by the book that they wanted to donate sandals to PRC. We were pleasantly surprised yesterday when a huge box of brand new sandals came to our door with a note that had been signed by all the students. It was so sweet, we were all very happy about it. There are so many sandals!(photo Khadra and office manager).
And this from Arkansas: Congratulations, your book “My Name Is Sangoel” has been chosen for the Arkansas Diamond Award List for K-3 students in the 2011-2012 school year. There are a total of 14 books on this reading list. Students must read at least three of these books before they are eligible to vote for ‘book of the year’ in April 2012. For nearly 20 years we have over viewed this list of books with the librarians and some teachers before the next school year. We prepare an overview document covering each book, something about the author.
Check it out here: http://apsd.k12.ar.us/~murphyk/Diamond%20Award%20Page.htm
Bravo to all those teacher and librarians and parents who work so hard to make reading and books a priority for children everywhere. And Bravo to Sangoel!
And this note from a reader and talented author:
Hi Karen,
Yesterday, I bought your picture book A Beach Tail from BBGB children’s book store in Richmond VA where I live. It’s so beautiful like all of your work. I’m a huge fan of yours and especially love Tap-Tap and Circles of Hope. I treasure my copies dearly! I only spent any time in Haiti once for a few weeks in 1990.
Your view of the world just makes me happy. (I especially like this part 😉 ) I’ve recently completed my first historical fiction about the blacksmith Gabriel who organized a slave revolt here in Richmond in 1800. Candlewick will publish it next year. I wanted Gabriel’s story to subtly entwine with Haiti’s story and Circles of Hope helped me see how to begin to trace that connection.
Just wanted to say Hi and thank you for your writing.
Yours truly,
Gigi Amateau
web: www.gigiamateau.com
blog: www.bufflehead.wordpress.com
Check out Gigi’s Web and blog! This is a great example of how the creative writing process works and it is all about connecting. And problem solving. “I wanted Gabriel’s story to subtly entwine with Haiti’s story and Circles of Hope helped me see how to begin to trace that connection.” Thanks Gigi!