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Imagine a Day Without Water Essay Winner!
It happens that I saw an announcement for an essay contest. Imagine a Day Without Water.
It happens to be a national campaign:
Imagine a Day Without Water is a national education campaign that brings together diverse stakeholders to highlight how water is essential, invaluable, and in need of investment.
It happens I have lived in places where clean water is difficult to find. Around the world and here in the US. Imagine!
It happens that clean water is a subject I am very interested in.
It happens I am collaborating with Grace Ochieng on a picture book that takes place in Kenya. A story about water and family and taking responsibility. Water Blessings.

It happens I entered the contest. 300 words! Imagine a Life Without (clean)Water.
I won! You can find the essay and more information here:
And watch for more about Water Blessings as Grace and I continue to polish and submit.
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