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Pair these two in the New Year: Encanto And A Thousand White Butterflies
Looking for an activity with family in 2022? How about a book and movie night? Disney’s Encanto an animated Colombian tale of magical realism explores themes of family and immigration and the special powers in each of us.

A Thousand White Butterflies coauthored by Jessica Betancourt Perez and yours truly is a story of a Colombian immigrant, family and friendship.
The movie offers details of life in Colombia: flora, fauna, food and fashion. A good way to extend “Butterflies”. The music by Lin-Manuel Miranda adds to the Colombian vibe. The characters of all different skin tones and body types add to the joy!
A book and movie night with family could have you singing and dancing.
And perhaps exploring more about Colombia, immigration, family, friends and the unique qualities that make you special.
A great way to head into the New Year. May yours be healthy and joyful, full of learning, finding and using your uniques gifts.
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